Polymers Packaging Information
TricorBraun Flex has been in the industry for more than 30 years. We offer a variety of barrier packaging for polymers, resins, and oxygen/moisture sensitive materials. At TricorBraun Flex we are proud to offer a large selection of packaging options to help you navigate this market.
Packaging for Polymers
TricorBraun Flex’s line of large, barrier bags work well for a variety of industrial packaging uses. With a structure designed to protect, TB Flex bags offer many features that enhance packaging, palletizing, storing and shipping industrial products.
TricorBraun Flex barrier bags offer an air tight packaging option that protects the product it contains from air and moisture. The bags themselves pack in small, easy-to use case quantities, taking up little warehouse space for storage or, if you prefer, they can be packed in Gaylords. Sealing is easy using standard fillers and simple jaw or rotary band heat sealers.
We provide stock bags in a large variety of sizes with minimum order quantities starting at a single case.
We can print a stock bag via our Stock Customization Program that includes Hot Stamp, Letter-Press Printing and Label Application services. We also offer several different custom printing options.
If you have questions or would like to see samples, please don’t hesitate to call 1-800-562-2247 or e-mail us at Bags@TricorBraunFlex.com.
Packaging Formats
TricorBraun Flex works closely with our customers to ensure the best looking and most functional packaging is available, and we are equipped to handle any of your packaging needs.
Air Release Systems
Large laminate pet food bags can be difficult to palletize. We provide several solutions and air release systems.
TricorBraun Flex offers a number of packaging features and accessories that improve the overall appearance of your bag. We also have closures to add some simplicity for your customers.
Side Gusseted Bags
The side gussets expand when this package is filled with product – allowing for an ideal shape for filling, palletizing and retailing. Typically bags under 10lbs are marketed standing up, while bags over 10lbs are marketed laying flat.
Quad Seal/Four Corner Seal Bags
Similar to the Side Gusseted Bag and also known as four corner seal bag, it has seals at the four corners of the bag. This helps the filled bag hold its shape on the shelf. Also, with the absence of a back seal, you can enjoy uninterrupted front and back panels for greater full graphics.
Stand-Up Resealable Pouches
Pouches are produced from a multi-layer laminate that includes aluminum foil. They are a high barrier pouch that work great for smaller portions of seeds and fertilizers. Stock stand-up pouches come with zippers and a tear notch for reclosure. These come with many consumer-friendly features such as Tear Notches, Press-to-Close (PTC) Zippers.
Palletization with Anti-Skid & Air Release Systems
Anti-Skid: Large laminate bags can be difficult to palletize. We offer multiple grades of Anti-Skid (Hi-COF) Coatings and Low-Slip Materials that allow large pet food bags to be palletized. Air Release Systems: Trapped air inside a bag can cause a pallet to become unstable after stacking. This can cause the pallet to tip over in transit resulting in lost product and revenue.
TricorBraun Flex Provides Several Solutions for Air Release Systems
A series of tiny holes strategically placed on the bag allows trapped air to escape the bag during the palletization process.
Degassing Valves
TricorBraun Flex has been producing the One-Way Valve more than 30 years. We have several types of valves from Hi-Flow Inner Valves to Outer Label/Wipe-On Valves. TricorBraun Flex also offers a Two-Way Valve that allows for trapped air to escape the bag but also allows for the air to return the bag. The valve has a filter paper covering the valve to provide protection against dust and infestation.
Available Features
These seals are most common in large laminate bags. The addition of K-Seal provides additional strength at the bottom of the bag and prevents fine powders from getting in the stuck in the corners.
Provides for a nice looking finished product and helps the sharp corners of other bags from cutting into adjacent bags.
High Barrier Lamination
This rugged lamination is excellent for hygroscopic polymers that require superior barrier protection to Moisture and Oxygen. These include Nylon-6, Polyamides, Polycarbonate, PBT, PET, ABS, acrylic, urethanes, and many other long-chain polymers.
These are just a few of our feature options, we have many more to offer and we can work with you to customize your perfect package! If you have questions or would like to see samples, please don’t hesitate to call 1-800-562-2247 or e-mail us at Bags@TricorBraunFlex.com.